is Oceanweather's comprehensive metocean study for
the Gulf of Mexico. It is intended as a follow-on
to the Gulf JIP's (Joint Industry Projects) GUMSHOE
(Hurricane Extremes), WINX (Winter Storm Extremes),
and GLOW (Operational Statistics) which have set the
standard for design criteria in the Gulf. GOMOS was
updated and renamed "GOMOS08" in 2009 to
include 2006-2008,"GOMOS2014"
to include 2009-2014, "GOMOS2017"
to include 2015-2017, and most recently "GOMOS2020"
to include 2018-2023.
includes a 44-year continuous wind and wave hindcast
for the period 1980-2023, 458 tropical events (hurricanes)
for the period 1900-2023, and 144 extra-tropical events
(winter storms) for the period 1950-2023. The storm
portions have been run through the wave and current/surge
3rd generation wave model adapted a 1/16th degree
grid (7km) for the storms and a 1/8th degree grid
(14km) for the operational. The 44-year continuous
period includes detailed reanalysis of all tropical
systems as well as kinematic analysis of all significant
(extra-tropical) storm events.