GROW Fine North Atlantic Basin (GROWFAB) Hindcast
was developed at Oceanweather in conjuction with the
MSC50 hindcast for the Climate
Research Division of Environment Canada. Canadian
operators can contact the Canadian Centre for Climate
Services and/or Fisheries
and Oceans Canada directly for data in Canadian
waters. All other inquiries are handled by Oceanweather
directly. GROWFAB/MSC50 is the follow-on study to
the highly successful AES40 long term North Atlantic
hindcast completed in 1997.
hindcast involves kinematic reanalysis of all significant
tropical and extra-tropical storms in the North Atlantic
for the continuous period January 1954 - September 2021. Oceanweather's
3rd generation wave model (OWI3G) was adopted onto
a 0.5 degree grid, wind and wave fields were archived
at all active model points.
GROWFAB methodology and validation has been extensively
documented and presented in peer-reviewed journals
and conferences. The the first generation AES40 hindcast
methodology is discussed in the Journal
of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, while the
validation and climate assessment is best described
in the preprints of 6th
International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting. The present hindcast was presented in a 9th
Wave Workshop paper.