Special Session for Dr. Vincent Cardone
Oceanweather’s (OWI) founder, Dr. Vincent Cardone, was honored for his contributions to oceanography and meteorology at the 2nd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards in Melbourne, Australia. Vince was a long-time attendee and presenter at the wave workshop series (16 in total) up until his passing in 2013. A full catalog of his workshop papers and presentation are available at www.waveworkshop.org.
Chairing the special session was Val Swail, the wave workshop founder and long-time friend of Vince. Val is retired from Environment Canada, but is very active in the Joint Commission on Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) and other organizations. The session included talks from Don Resio (this year’s recipient of the Vincent Cardone Memorial Prize for Marine Meteorology), Luigi Cavalari, Greg Holland, and OWI’s President, Andrew Cox.