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About Oceanweather

Since its formation in 1977, Oceanweather has been fully engaged with support divided between the private and public sector. In the public sector, the company performs basic and applied research in marine meteorology and ocean response numerical modeling, supported by both U.S. and foreign government agencies. Oceanweather staff continues to actively participate in international scientific conferences and research programs, and in open publication.

Oceanweather functions as a specialized consulting firm serving the coastal and ocean engineering communities with its unique capacity to integrate several areas of expertise into specification of definitive design data on the physical environment. Oceanweather's approach is to consistently develop and apply high-level technology to satisfy practical requirements in the areas of marine meteorology, ocean wave and current specification, ocean engineering, and statistics of environmental data.

In its long history, Oceanweather has performed dedicated hindcast studies and Joint Industry Projects (JIPs) in virtually every ocean basin in the world. Oceanweather offers an extensive selection of pre-computed hindcasts for fast-turnaround applications as well as the expertise to run dedicated hindcast studies for specific applications.

Since 1983, Oceanweather has operated a real-time forecasting division. The methodology follows a unique approach of optimally combining traditional weather forecasting (which retains the contributions of individual forecasters) and Oceanweather's high-level technology developed and applied in its hindcasting and consulting divisions. The forecast system includes a global wind and wave forecast system and high resolution regional applications.

Our Web Site


Browse through our on-line History, Legal Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and our extensive list of Recent Publications.


Details much of Oceanweather's experience in wave, wind, and tropical modeling, remote sensing, boundary layer research and techniques used in developing metocean studies.


Lists the products and services available for real-time forecasting. Learn more about the forecast process and philosophy of marine forecasting.

MetOcean Studies

An extensive list of studies performed by Oceanweather as well as information on the capabilities of Oceanweather to perform dedicated studies for custom applications.


Learn about the latest happenings at Oceanweather.

Current Marine Data

View current marine conditions for the worldwide oceans. This is a free service Oceanweather makes available to the maritime community.

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